
Conference Proceedings

A Fractured Earth: Sonification and Spatialisation of Seismic Data

Australasian Computer Music Conference | Sydney, Australia, 2015 [pdf]

Click: an Audiovisual Sound Sculpture

International Symposium on Electronic Art | Durban, South Africa. 2018 [pdf]

The Sounds of Obsolescence in the Age of Digital Re-Production

Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X | Milan, Italy. 2019 [pdf]

Click::RAND. A Minimalist Sound Sculpture

International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression | Brimingham, England. 2020 [pdf]

TWTTRGRAPH: I Wish to Speak With You. A Telegraphic Sound Iinstallation

International Symposium on Electronic Art | Montreal, Canada. 2020 [pdf]

Click::RAND. An Indeterminate Sound Sculpture

International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression | Shanghai, China. 2021 [pdf]

Click::REVU. An Optophonic Sound Installation.

International Symposium on Electronic Art | Barcelona, Spain 2022 [pdf]

RAND’s Got Rhythm,” Featured in RAND Review, Dec/Jan issue, January 2022. [pdf]


Re-hearing the Past in the Age of Digital Re-Production. A Sonification of Media Artefacts. May 2022 [pdf]


Material Media Sonification, sounding the visibly present artefact. Organised Sound, 1-11. 2022 [pdf]